


Ebby Schwengle


Terry Gumbs


John Kock


Jalken Antonia

The JA IK ARUBA foundation strives for every individual to get the most out of themselves, because people have the capacity to be phenomenal. This is the reason why the JA IK ARUBA Foundation has an above-average drive to inspire, among others, young people and young adults (13 - 35 year), to let their talents shine, thereby revealing their value in the labor market. 

The JA IK ARUBA Foundation aims to stimulate the development of talent in order to improve professional and social participation by young people, young adults and Young Professionals. And to prevent early school drop-outs, both in Aruba and abroad.

Regarding of the changes in the labor sector in 2030 - 2040, more and more will be demanded concerningindividual behavior and attitude. Because of these changes, personal leadership, ownership and entrepreneurial behavior are becoming increasingly important in work situations.This does not only apply to people who will (partly) become self-employed, but also to salaried employees. An employee who is proactive and shows the behavior and attitude of an entrepreneur helps an organization to be innovative. Nowadays it plays an important role in filling vacancies. It is an important selection criteria. Research also shows that it is an important success factor for an employee's career.

Society demands young people and young adults with an entrepreneurial mindset. That is to say: young people and young adults who take the initiative, see opportunities and seize them. Young people and young adults who stand up for themselves and manage their own affairs. Young people and young adults who set goals and dare to go for something.

Core values
We believe the core values ​​of leadership, ownership and entrepreneurship are extremely important. Stand up for yourself and shine by using your gifts and talents. Nowadays, an average performance will not sufficient, which is why we take "Extreme Ownership" for what we do. These core values ​​take you further and support your authenticity.



Stichting JA IK ARUBA trained me how to lead myself to achieve personal goals, and how to take ownership for my talents

Rowald Croes - La Salle College


Alexander Gamez 21 feb 2021

Mi nomber ta Alexander Gamez mi tin 17 aña di edad mi ta asiste na Juliana school. Mi testimonio na JA IK ARUBA ta cu mi ta hopi gradeci na Mr Jalken Antonia. Danki na e meneer aki, mi a siña hopi cos cu na scol mi no ta siña. Por ehempel con mi ta lidera mi mes, con mi ta domina mi talento nan, anto con un compania ta wordo lidera. Danki na Mr Jalken nos a haya tips di professionalnan, mane e doño di OP=OP Voordeelshop, Medwork Caribbean NV. Entre otro, mi ta haya cu tur scol mester haya e tips y training nan di Mr Jalken paso e ta djis excellent
Hafsa 03 feb 2021

As a young female adult based in Amsterdam and coming from poor background with lovely foreign parents, hence growing up without any business knowledge nor example. Before starting my business carrier as consultant by SOA People Netherland, I noticed that I had nobody to ask for valuable and practical advice.

However, the moment I had met Jalken I knew he was from the same background and underwent the same process as myself. Jalken doesn’t only gives valuable and practical advice (that would be too easy for him), he also triggers me to think harder and higher. His triggers thought me to think in right direction and to dear to ask difficult questions in a way that the responder doesn’t forget my name.

Currently, Jalken still contacts me to ask about my progress, but also to trigger me again and again and again. His goal is to challenge me (and you) to my (and your) best optional and beyond. This all with goal to guide me to position that I want to achieve in business and life. Very grateful and valuable to have Jalken as my business coach! Although, ones you get know Jalken you will notice that he is so much more than only a business coach, he is a true leader and friend!

Hafsa Debaieb, Amsterdam

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“I have FAILED over and over again in my life and that is why I SUCCEED” 
~ Michael Jordan



Participants are inspired and motivated through many inspiration sessions. We take a practice oriented approach towards working proactively in enhancing professional orientation and trainingprofessional skills. 


The target audience is trained in entrepreneurial skills. But also as enterprising employees and entrepreneurs in society.


The ExecutiveTour is an instrument in which participants are exposed to leadership.


The ExcellenceTour is an effective “leadership” tool for the talents to develop leadership skills. We all are born with leadership skills. For some, these are dormant and for other it needs further development.


The JA IK ARUBA Foundation has a social goal to promote and improve professional and social participation by young people, young adults and young professionals in Aruba and abroad.

Help support our work in helping future leaders get involved  and connect in order to change their communities and their world. If you want to contribute to the social change that we want to bring about, your support is more than welcome.

You can contribute in kind by:

  • Opening up your business to our tailor-made instruments  

You can contribute financially by:

  • Becoming our sponsor
  • Giving us a financial free gift. This can be transferred to: ARUBA BANK 600 746 0190 owned by Stichting JA IK ARUBA (Swift code: ARUBAWAX)

If you would like more information about the options above, we would like to get in touch with you. You will find our details via our contact page.

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